Tell us about your organisation, how you started and what you do?

TNB Connect (Trans and Non-Binary) was created when I completed my Public Health Degree at Wolverhampton University. Much of my research was based around the LGBTQ community and looking into gaps to improve health and well-being. I personally also started my transition during my third year and my lived experience helped to identify these gaps and the need for more services.

We began donating clothing to reduce financial pressure, alleviate gender dysphoria and to aid in gender expression. We became a Community Interest Company and now also hold regular online social groups hosted by our volunteers and members of the community.

What has been your greatest achievement?
One of our greatest achievements is being able to connect with many trans and non-binary people near and far and the support we have had in making it possible to donate hundreds of items of clothing and other items to the community and those who are in need.

Also personally, winning the National Diversity Award for Positive Role Model LGBT which also recognised the work through TNB Connect.

What is your experience of support received from WVCA?
TNBC has received much support from WVCA which has been very beneficial for the organisation and in highlighting other avenues where we can deliver and offer support to the community.

What is the most valuable lesson you have learnt about working with people in Wolverhampton?
We have been able to conduct further research about the LGBTQ+ community in Wolverhampton and through this have learnt more about the factors contributing to issues within the community such as race, religion and culture in smaller cities where there is a population of LGBTQ individuals.

What are some of the challenges you face and how can WVCA help to support your organisation in the future?
Some of the issues we have faced are around TNBC having many people attend our social groups and seek support from outside of the city and us currently not having a physical space for all of these individuals to connect and access our services in person due to travel and costs.
We aim in the near future to have more physical face to face sessions and events where all individuals can access and connect. We also aim to donate many more items to the community and reduce costs and financial pressures for those transitioning.

Where can we find out more?

Email Nate Watson:

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