Start-up social enterprises are being encouraged to apply for grants of up to £10,000 to assist their development as part of the Social Enterprise Boost Fund West Midlands.
The Fund is a UK Government funded project for social enterprises in six local places in England.
The objectives of the Social Enterprise Boost Fund are, by March 2025, to:
- Grow the social enterprise sector in targeted areas, by supporting the creation of new social enterprises and boosting early-stage organisations.
- Enable targeted high-deprivation local authorities and the local voluntary and community sector in these places to implement sustainable systems and processes that encourage social enterprise growth.
- Build and disseminate evidence on:
- scalable and sustainable place-based interventions that work in growing the social enterprise sector in disadvantaged areas; and
- the extent to which and how social enterprises support communities and economies in disadvantaged areas
Alongside this grant program the project offers a range of support comprising of two modular programmes:
- the first, FUSE, is a 12-week intensive support programme for social enterprise (SE) start-ups.
- the second, SE MOT, is a 4-week programme of support for early-stage SEs wishing to develop and grow.
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