Support for your organisation
Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility. This applies to all organisations including voluntary, community and faith organisations (including registered charities and Community Interest Companies).
If you are concerned that an adult with care and support needs or a child or young person is at risk of abuse or neglect, please report your concern here immediately.
Wolverhampton Safeguarding Together Partnership
The partnership is responsible for overseeing and holding all partners to account for the effectiveness of the multi-agency and single-agency safeguarding arrangements in the city.
Safeguarding support
WVCA provides safeguarding support to local voluntary, community and faith organisations. The support focusses on helping organisations to put in place appropriate safeguarding arrangements for adults with care and support needs, and for children and young people, and includes help to:
- Develop or review your organisation’s safeguarding policies and procedures
- Access safeguarding training for your employees and volunteers
- Embed Safer Recruitment processes (including DBS checks)
- Manage allegations against People in
- Positions of Trust within your organisation (including: employees, volunteers, trustees / management committee members and others).
- Support your response to any safeguarding concerns you may have
- Link you to the Multi-Agency
- Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
- Answer any other questions about safeguarding that you might have
Wolverhampton Safeguarding Together website
The WST website contains a wide range of important safeguarding information including:
- Reporting Concerns about a child, young person, or adult
- Details of free, multi-agency safeguarding training
- Forms and guidance in relation to the latest policies and procedure
- Resources for your work with children & young people, adults with care and support needs, parents, carers, and the general public
- Specific information relevant to voluntary, community and faith organisations
To access safeguarding support for your voluntary, community or faith organisation, contact:
Mark Hand
Deputy Safeguarding Lead at WVCA
Tel: 01902 328 796 or 07999 403 559
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