Members of Wolverhampton’s health and wellbeing board, Health and Wellbeing Together, are backing this year’s Orange Wolverhampton campaign, which runs until 10th December.
They showed their support at a meeting last week, with Chair Councillor Jasbir Jaspal, the council’s Cabinet Member for Adults and Wellbeing, sharing key messages from the safeguarding campaign with them. She said: “A number of events are currently taking place across the city as Wolverhampton says ‘no’ to interpersonal violence. Residents, businesses, schools, faith groups, charities and other organisations are helping ‘Orange Wolverhampton’ and are invited to join one of the many online and face-to-face events taking place across the city between now and 10 December.”
The annual Orange Wolverhampton campaign aims to raise awareness of the city’s continuing drive to end domestic abuse, female genital mutilation, forced marriage, so-called honour-based violence, sexual violence and stalking and harassment. At the same time, it highlights the advice and support that is available to victims from local and national organisations.
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